The story begins...
Texas cast its lure toward Gary and Beverly Yamamoto in 1997...and they bit. The quality fishing and the dream of building a private resort let them to a perfect setting, not far from the world-class waters of Lake Fork. In fact, the resort that stands there today is named Sugoi Lakes. Sugoi is the Japanese word for "perfect".
Once their construction was complete at Sugoi Lakes. Gary and Beverly were soon looking for their next project, which proved to be a blending of two cultures-Japanese and American. The couple saw that by combining the fertile grazing lands of East Texas with their interests in the internationally renowned genetics of Japanese Black Wagyu cattle that they would have the perfect combination.
Their interest in high quality beef, and subsequent inquiries, soon led them to the source. Japan is renowned for the production of Kobe-Beef, the highest quality, finely marbled beef in the world. Japanese Black Wagyu cattle are the dominant beef breed in Japan, numbering greater than 85% of the total Japanese beef cattle population. Modern Wagyu cattle are the result of combing certain imported beef strains with the native Wagyu cattle, which for centuries had been closed, inbred herds.
This was accomplished over a period of 30 years between 1887 and 1910. In 1950, a program to establish modern inbred Wagyu strains was initiated and selection for beef quality was intensified.
Research Pays
Investigation into the Wagyu breed led the Yamamoto couple to conclude:
- Only since 1993 have full-blooded Wagyu been permitted to be imported into the United States.
- Wagyu cattle are imminently compatible with the East Texas environment and growing conditions.
- Tremendous opportunities existed, both domestically and abroad for beef producers capable of consistently delivering high quality classes of beef.
- The Takeda America herd possessed the necessary growth and beef quality characteristics, making it a clear leader in the international and Japanese cattle industry.
An Important Meeting
In 1998, the Yamamomo's met Mr. Shogo Takeda, owner of Takeda Farms. In rare instances in the cattle industry there exist a master breeder whose vision, cattle knowledge and focus allow them to transcend current fads and immediate trends while assembling a truly dominant cow herd and breeding program. Mr. Takeda is such an individual and the focus since 1998 has been the program he established.
About Takeda Farms
Takeda Farms has no peer in Japan or elsewhere for 50 years the Shogo Takeda family has been breeding Japanese Black Wagyu, and his farm is home to one of the largest herds of Wagyu in Japan, certainly compared to the average Japanese herd of three to five head. Takeda has applied selection pressure on his herd to produce faster growing, larger framed, more fertile and better milking Wagyu cattle-qualities which clearly represent greater market value.
A high percentage of Takeda cattle grade A-5. In Japan, 'A' is the most desirable yield grade and '5' is the highest quality grade. Females calve at 2years of age and continue to produce progeny each year thereafter. The average Takeda Farms females weighs 1,430 pounds ~ the Japanese average is 1,200 pounds. Takeda dams are known for their healthy progeny, consistently hanging heavier carcasses.
As the bond of friendship grew between the Yamamoto couple and Mr. Takeda, so grew a mutual respect. Gary and Beverly recognized and respected the accomplishments of Mr. Takeda, and saw and opportunity to grow the elite Wagyu herd in a Texas based operation. With this as their goal, in 1999 Gary and Beverly purchased Mr. Takeda's US assets in their entirety.
Mr. Takeda's sale of the Takeda American herd to the Yamamoto's was a milestone event, representing his respect for them, his agreement with their goals, and his firm belief in their ability to accomplish them. For the first time in history, Mr. Takeda surrendered control of the Takeda American herd to another. A herd representing both his passion and much of his life's work. prior to that moment no live Takeda breeding stock had ever been sold or allowed outside of his direct control.
Operating Today
Today Gary Yamamoto Custom Beef is a fully integrated beef operation encompassing ranches in East Texas which house full-blooded Wagyu cattle. Click here to see our promise from our Ranch Manager, Tim Conrad.
Producing quality products in volume and marketing their product worldwide is not a new pursuit for Gary and Beverly. For the last twenty-five years they have owned one of the largest bass fishing lure bait companies in the world, Gary Yamamoto Custom Baits. They sold the business in November 2021 and are focusing on their Wagyu beef business, along with Gary fishing the MLF Pro Circuit Tour promoting Gary Yamamoto Custom Beef. Nationwide distribution is expected to expand this coming year as never before.
Gary and Beverly strongly believe in the attributes they Wagyu breed brings to the domestic and international beef cattle markets, and are actively promoting the densely marbled, yet healthier meat their herds produce. Of interest is, the fact that Wagyu beef produces a higher percentage of oleaginous, unsaturated fat than any other breed of cattle known in the world.
For information contact Gary Yamamoto Custom Beef at 430-235-5536 or dianna@healthybeefusa.com.